As “Elvo Valley” I mean not only the upper part, in the mountains, where in the form of a stream the Elvo flows impetuously, but also the countryside further down. Between Mongrando, Occhieppo and Borriana, in fact we always find the Elvo, now a river, which flows slower in its wide sandy bed. The Elvo rises at an altitude of 2,300 m, on Mount Mars, and descending collects the waters of Viona, Ingagna, Oremo and Olobbia, near Mongrando and Borriana; in Vercellese, then, it flows into the Cervo and Sesia, after a course of almost 60 km.
Work in progress...I'm still working to translate all the itineraries. For the moment only two are available in English: "Mongrando Dam Tour" and "Alpe Cavanna Tour", both in the Elvo Valley section.